Can’t keep your cards to your chest
Can’t see a cop and not confess
It’s your disposition. There Ain’t a confidence you’ll keep
Buy an anniversary present and offer that girl a peak
Can’t keep a secret to yourself
Display it on your mantel shelf
Your telltale heart beats to reveal the things that others would conceal
You Tattletale
Nothing is hidden. You ain’t got no sleeves
Just tattoos of secrets often ‘bout me
Open door to visitors that should have been left closed
No secret’s safe. Your impish ways leave my secret life exposed
Can’t keep a secret to yourself
Display it on your mantel shelf
Your telltale heart beats to reveal the things that others would conceal
You Tattletale
Unsafe with secrets
No use for camouflage
Can’t hold your breath or hide a step
Demanding my triage
You Tattletale….
On Tattletale:
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