Walt could have created this guy you’re fixated upon
As of late, my old friend
To the moon this buffoon your heart sends
Where’s it end? Where’s it end? Where’s it end?
There’s a chorus of voices alarmed by your choices
Too distracted, you hear not a word
Yet we all see this match as absurd
Fly away! Fly away, Little Bird!
He’s a puffed-up pretender - No heart - just bravado and show
You never remember the tells that these dandies have told But we know
He’s just a Mickey Mouse Romeo
His lines are impressive, and sometimes suggestive of wit
But the jokes never hit
And I wonder what you see in it
I myself am a much better fit
Not a puffed-up pretender
I’ve heart not bravado to show
You never remember the tells that these dandies have told
But we know
He’s just a Mickey Mouse Romeo
I’d give all my eye teeth for the style that is that Dandy
If it could get you to glance over at the heart of me
With those eyes that you invest
In that foppish handsome mess
I must confess My jealousy
On Tattletale:
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